20 y
Re: I'll join you, but doing a juice fast
Hi Rhonda,
Thanks for joining me. Well, my plans have changed a bit since yesterday...
I decided not to torture myself with water only as I really am not able to do any activity while just on water...I live in Prague, Czech Republic and there are a lot of tomatoes here these days so I decided I will eat only tomatoes until next Saturaday to lose that weight. It will be not as drastic, and I can do at least 30 minutes of cardio exercise every day this way. I love tomatoes:), and think it will be mangeable for me.
So this is my first day...So far so good. I do drink coffee and tea which I know I should not but..anything to lose that weight:). In my house I am sorrounded by all kinds of fruit and vegetables but I know I have to stick with the tomatoes. If I give in to an apple, I'll give in to cheese next time, lol.
So if I understand, you are going to lose those 30
pounds on fruit juices...I think that's great. How much have you lost so far on MC?
I do not work so it is harder for me to keep my mind busy...So I clean the house, read, and wait...:). I do not have a scale at home so I cant monitor my progress but I think I like it this way better because I get nervous when I check my weight every day and it is not coming off as fast as I expected...I'll weight myself next Sunday. And I am sure I will see it on my clothes even before that.
How will you keep the weight off after you achieve your goal?
A lot of will power to you!!:)
Water is by far,