Re: Been diagnosed with endometriosis and fibroid tumore
Hi Paulette,
Oh, do I know that road well! If you go to the previous page on this forum and read through the thread from Concerned Mom you will see several posts from me describing what I went through ...including surgeries and Lupron. The decisions regarding treatment are very difficult and depend on how severe the endo is, how large the fibroids are and what symptoms you are having. I had an awful experience with Lupron and would not do it again. In my case, surgery was necessary because I hemorraghed and lost half my blood volume...due to fibroids and polyps. I have done much, much better since the fibroids were removed...easier periods, greater energy, etc. It is important to remember that fibroids can become life threatening if there is excessive blood loss...although, frankly, I think the Lupron aggravated this because I bled for seven weeks when I first started it and I hemorraghed when I had my first period after coming off it.
I would suggest that you do plenty of research before you make a final decision. The Endometriosis Association has a lot of good information about treatment options, including natural approaches. Susan Lark, MD also has several books on natural approaches to women's health. Changes in your diet and a thorough detoxification program can help...including bowel cleanse,
parasite cleanse, liver flushes, etc. Endo and fibroids are both indicators of estrogen dominance, and using natural progesterone cream and herbs such as vitex can raise progesterone levels to help balance the estrogen. Run a search for Transitions for Health...they have a lot of info on natural progesterone cream. (Emerita is their retail line of products.) Acupuncture and Chinese herbs are also beneficial.
I hope this is a hard decision to make, especially when you are wanting to maintain your fertility. Just make sure that you learn all about your options.