Re: Starting my fast tomorrow and going to need support!
hi dess!
something tells me you're gonna love it!...
yes, i'm very happy to be strating as well, so you'll be strating tomorrow..thursday..ok, so i might as well join you to start on the same day!
i've been reading some on numerology and interested in it and thought friday might be better but there's no real better moment, just the one when one is ready is the best!
i am ready!!!
so tomnorrow will be day one, i am now in australia and i don't know where you are so yes, tomorrow for me will be thursday..
this 17 days fast i'm not sure how many kgs i lost but a lot!..
i was around the same as i am now when i started and i'd say i lost around 12 kgs, without doing any enemas neither exercising...
this time, i'll do enemas every 2 days(water enemas) and i'll be exercising as well, not like crazy but walking every morning for 1 hour at least and that would be great as well if i went for swims every 2 days as well..or every day!!!
i did put on quite lots of weight quickly and cellulite as well...
iive been thin all my life and practicing sports quite a lot so this physical conditiuon i'm experiencing now is far from being comfortable to me!!!
but it's fine, cause it's gonna be over soon!!!
i'd love to share with you, yes, that's great!!!
17 days went quick, and i stopped cause i did get into a meditation course on this 17 day but i could have gone longer, it had become easy, after the 6/4th day i'd say!!!
lets do it!!!
'what one can do, all can do'
lots of love to you and you can count on me, we're together on this one!