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It's Nothing Like Fasting With a Faithful Buddy To See eacother through Till The END!!!!!

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It's Nothing Like Fasting With a Faithful Buddy To See eacother through Till The END!!!!!

This sound great...................

am glad you want to start again, and this time for a longer period of time

So we will be great together...............

Everyday for the next 35-40 days we can post a reply to encourage, share our thoughts, strengths, experiences, and advice.

This is REAL Communication.........And this leads to Real Success and people can learn from this..........

WE NEED EACHOTHER For Support........

I am telling you right now I don't want to fall off............

I got me a solid list, put up so I can look at it everyday when I need it to KEEP ME focus, and to remind me of why I am fasting for weightloss and my great expected end to look forward to.

This helps me......

And emotionally- I practice things daily to keep me stress free.

For an example, I first God to Bless the day and give me the strength to cope with daily life.

Then when someone does something intentionally or not , to me in some way, I would easily Forgive, and take a deep breath and release it, and this prevents stress build up which can literally make us SICK>>>>>>>> And we won't even realize it.

I don't focus on the past life events, especially the ones that are unhealthy even in relationships........

I plan,plan,plan during the fasts , for my future lifestyle food change, I read books, email, research, enjoy my children, look at the new wardrobe I would like to purchase at the end towards completing my fast, for my new size 4 frombeing a 13/14, my highest was 15/16, I got wider and fatter.........

The Depression of being fat is lifting as I move toward making a change..

And with all the benefits I got with fasting is more than i can ask..

Hormonal Balance , Clear skin from Acne, restored digestive tract system, no bloating, Cleared of massive water weight, fast weightloss, purification and cleansedBlood cells , my body rid it self from toxins, free radicals, poisions, etc, my romance improved, my cellulite goesabig WEIGHT lifted off I communicated more, I was more active, outgoing, my spirits was really high, I planned more for me and my children to do family entertainments.
I felt so much lighter, that I still could't beleive it was my body .. My back aches and minor pains I would get sometimes being overweight had actually disappeared........... And I kinda lost my taste for food, but I got back in the swing of things a blew \up back Fat!!!!!

Because I didn't have a solid lifestyle food plan, to manage my weight, so I don't eat all those high levels of bad carbs, bad fats, and all that refined sugar, so I went back to my old way of eatting with my family and got back fat and I was constipated all over again................. Acne came back, indigestion, and all that........

Well Now I have my Low Carbs/Hi ProteinBooks , Food, supplements for low carbers, I read from experienced low carbers, I have low carb menus for eatting out, recepies, I have the sites to order low carb foods ready prepared meals, for 36.00 a day breakfast, lunch and dinner, with one snack and one dessert........

I did my research, I have the weightwatchers no Counting, and Dr, Phils, books for back up in case I am not TOTALLY satisified with low carbs.

This is just to give my self options to never go back to the lifestyle I was eatting that made me FAT and Constipated!!!!

I even purchased me a BODY FAT SCale that ways the pounds to. it's on sale at Heart land America for 19.99

I purchased a pizza oven for my purchase of low carb herb and garlic pizza crust -low carb pancake/waffle mix, and so on

My new pressure cooker, for my tender protein steaks, barbecue ribs that falls off the bone, and tender pot roast..etc...

But see I am getting their, I getting a no impact Gazelle, and a fun easy hide away able excerise machines, something I can do to stay in shape and tone my body, for a slim lean body.

Okay Keep the posts coming faithfully, to support yourself and others..

Don't be afraid to speak what's on your mind...


God BLESS, Is there any name I can call you?????Let me know please.

God Bless



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