Good news!
I found a dentist who used to have ovarian cancer about 7 miles from me :D
And when she had her
Amalgams taken out she didn't have cancer anymore. And since I have good reason to have these taken out with nothing put back in, she says she will do it!
I live near Chicago, Illinois if anyone wants to know more about this. What she does is she judges the levels of heavy metals in your head and neck area with this ring (called O-ring).
And she has you chelate with lots of algaes (chlorella), vitamins and minerals, etc. And then you go back in 2 to 4 weeks of chelating, and if the levels are low she takes them out while using a rubber dam, an oxygen mask, etc, and then you chelate again with nothing in place.
I'm going to remineralize my teeth. I'm not going to have anything put back in. I will remineralize them and that's al there is to it :D I'm so happy!