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--Correction about Zeolites--
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Published: 18 y
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--Correction about Zeolites--

Hi Lapis,

That is all fine and dandy about the explaination of how Zeloite is supposed to work by trapping particles of Toxin or Metals in their cages and this is how they are supposed to remove these Toxiins out of the body!

But, there may be one Big problem with this kind of an explaination which is used as a Sales pitch to sell their Products!

The body does "NOT" have elevators and dump trucks and loaders and such to move things around in the body!

The body may be powered by the use of Electro-magnetic Energy, and this is dependent upon the actions of Acids vs Alkaline Minerals of which Oxygen is a part of the equation!

The body can "ONLY" remove toxins and Metals from the stored Tissue by way of first causing these to be reacted against the opposite Electro-magnetic charge which the toxin may it's self be, so as to convert it into an Electro-magnetic Energy form, so that then it may move this Energy form to the parts of the body which have direct routes of Disposal from the body!

So, this Whole idea which Zeolite uses to sell their products,about cageing these toxins inside of a cage, just does not hold water!

It still comes down to the Magnesium which is in the Zeolite, which may Help the Liver and the Kidneys to do their job!

The body does not have Trains and dump trucks etc to move things around in the body!

When the body has stored Heavy metals in the Fatty tissues of the body, and this may be what generally may take place, as the body trys to protect it's self from these Toxins, then in order to cause a Release and Removal of these from the body, the body must first have a method of converting these Toxins back into Electro-magnetic Energy, as this is how they may then move from the Fatty Tissue into the Lymphatic system and into the Liver and Kidneys for disposal action!

And this process does "NOT" require Trains and Dump Trucks and Payloaders to load it into the Hauling trains and Dump Trucks!

Magnesium is an Alkaline Mineral which may react against the Fatty Acids and cause this conversion into Electro-magnetic Energy, so that then the process of removal of these Toxins may begin as Electro-magnetic Energy, and this Electro-magnetic Energy of these Toxins may then move at the speed of light thru-out the body, with-out any Trains or Dump trucks etc to move them!

Then the Liver and the Kidneys and other areas of the body which act as Waste Disposal operators may take this Electro-magnetic Energy and convert it back into Matter again by the process of slowing this Energy down enough, which then creates Matter again, and Flush it on out of the body thru the urine or Poop or sweat thru the skin pores!

Oh! But the simpleness of God's Creation, isn't it mind Boggling to the Politically Correct and Overly Highly Educated of the World?

Smile Tis your choice.


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