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--answer about== cellular Defense
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--answer about== cellular Defense

Hi Clayton,

First of all maybe you need to look at how much it cost?

Then maybe you need to consider what you may or may not be getting?

Then you may want to consider "IF" there are more cost effective methods which do a Better job?

Here is what they say it contains in it: NCD Zeolite 24mg

4.5 di-cyclo, disilico, dimagnesium, dialumino, oxyo, trihydrate

"other ingredients = water"

Now for some understanding of some of these things which it has in it!

disilico = a form of sand --like beach sand?

dimagnesium = a form of magnesium

dialumino, isn't this just a fancy way of calling it "Aluminum" ??

How much aluminum do you want to eat?

oxyo = a form of oxygen

trihydrate may mean that it is triple hydrated!

And then of course you get plenty of water at a high price!

You ask me what I think about it?

Some one is making a Killing off of packaging it and selling it in fancy bottles to those seeking a way to think they may solve all their problems with it and meanwhile believe they may continue doing everything else they are doing and be fine!

I am not saying it is Bad to use, but am saying that you may find much more effective foods to eat at a much less cost, "IF" you want to solve your Health problems!

It's main active ingredient which helps the body to Detox is simply the "Magnesium" in it!

And you can buy plain ole Epsom Salt, which is Magnesium sulfate, and take only a small pinch of it with each meal and solve the same problem of body Detox, and it does not cost you an arm and a leg!

Smile Tis your choice.


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