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Re: Fishy Smellng Poop With Coffee Enema
bcbutler Views: 11,651
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 396,404

Re: Fishy Smellng Poop With Coffee Enema

I've been doing coffee enemas nearly every day since last December. At first there was awful smelling stuff coming out, but after 6 months or so I started getting only coffee back out. I had shoulder surgery this summer so couldn't lie on my left side, so I couldn't do it for a month. After starting back it took around 1 1/2 weeks before only coffee came out again, at first it was again nasty smelling.

By the way, there was a post awhile back saying that someone had used a stethoscope while doing the coffee enema and there was much more gurgling and activity heard in there while on the left side than on the back or right side. I've been doing just the left side these days, and I like it much better. I sometimes got a squirting sound (maybe the liver squirting out bile?) a couple of minutes after turning over on to my back, and I've had that while just lying on my left side at around the same time (7 or 8 min. in).

I use the coffee enema time as my special time of the day, with candles lit, and I pray and visualize that the individual weak and confused thyroid cancer cells in my body can't multiply but instead die, shrivel up and are carted away by the white blood cells. Since the blood all passes through the liver every 3 minutes, I visualize the coffee helping to clean all of the blood and make my liver work better. It's my favorite time of the day, just for healing.


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