Re: want 2 do fast,used to be borderline anorexic....
iya well first of all i will introduce myself.... Im 19 yrs old and i used to be borderline anorexic
but i was never actually thin! I have always been really fat!!!! Im 5'4" and i used to be 159 lbs, i
lost 50 lbs in 3 month by cutting down on my food intake so at my lowest i was 109 lbs which
the docs said was too low and i had to get weighed every week to make sure i wasnt losing!
So anyway i have been binging loads and am back up to 149 lbs....Dont shun me off as 'some
ana girl that wants to go back to the way she was', and please dont tell me to seek help-i tried
that and look where it got me!! Anyway im 149 lbs and im doin a
Water Fast purly for weight
loss and nothing else! But also i really feel euphoric when i fast, like nothing else matters in
the world!! And everything feels right and perfect!! Anyway i have only done 3 days on a water
fast and i used to drink diet coke but now i decided to do water only!! I am starting now...friday
26 march..1pm! My freinds are having a party for my on sunday so i will be drinking vodka (on
its own-no mixer)will this effect me?? Is it necessary to eat just veggies before a fast or can i
go straight into it?? xx Hutchie
Good points, Scorpioeyes,...
Being Sunday this post may be too late, but no Hutchie, do NOT drink vodka or any type of alcohol at any time during a fast. It is outright dangerous. If one cannot set aside the time to do a fast properly, then s/he must simply wait until that time arises.
"Water only" is the correct way to do a water fast. Drinking Diet Coke is basically a Diet Coke diet. Fasting is a perfectly valid method of losing large amounts of excess fat, but only to the degree to which the faster changes his/her eating (and/or exercise) habits following the fast, as Scorpioeyes just mentioned previously.
Fasting reduces both fat and some muscle mass. Without any type of regular exercise, repeatedly fasting and gaining back weight (which will be ONLY fat weight) will progressively make you a fatter person (in bodyfat percentage) than when you started the very first time. You may still eventually weigh the same, but you will have less muscle and more fat.
That aside, congratulations on the motivation and commencement of fasting to take control of your weight! As Scoripoeyes recommened, read a few pages of past posts to get a hang of things. Also, try to get a hold of some of the recommended books.
- Mark37