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Re: Beginner needs some HELP from the experts please! :-)

9 Day Juice Fast Kit
Juice fast without hunger.

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Re: Beginner needs some HELP from the experts please! :-)

Hi dear Red...:)

I am glad u are here and hav decided to cure ur body using natural sourses..:).. I am not an expert but, as far as I understood u, everybody was welcomed to share their thoughts... I think it doesnt really matter what kind of juices, vegi or fruit, will dominate in ur juice fast, I guess it is absolutely persons choise... So if u feel like sticking to just vegi juices - u can... But still I dont see any harm of drinking at least one glass of this or that fruit juice, say, every 2-3 days or even a week... They will just supply ur body with more NATURAL variety of vitamins and minerals... But plz remember that better to use freshly squised juices and NOT bottled.. and also remember that u need to consumed those juices preferably within 10 min after squising (most of vitamins r "alive" during this time... What else?.... As u know u may have a hunger first 3-4 days or so.. in this case to make this period of adoptation of ur body to a fast quicker, filter ur juices to get rid of palp (not sure whether it is a right word).. which require extra digestion for ur stomach and, at the same time can extent period of hunger.... Ppl here dont reconend to mix vegi and fruit juices (exept carrot and apple).. though I dont mixed them... Also dont mix potatoe and tomato juices (they dont combine)... Also use lax teas preferably every morning and evening..:)

Well, actually it is all I know about juice fasting... The rest u need to know from another fasters... Just wait for a while.. hopefully they will answer..:).. If not then poss just go to another forums - Master-Cleanse for example.. I am not telling u to do Master-Cleanse but at least u can get more professional opinion about ur issue, Pal..:)...

Take care, Red..:))

All the best!



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