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Day 1 was GREAT! Question re thyroid/adrenal meds
lifes2fast Views: 1,284
Published: 19 y

Day 1 was GREAT! Question re thyroid/adrenal meds

Hello! I just completed day one of my first juice fast, based on Ann Louise Gittleman's Fast Track One Day Detox Diet, and it was great! I did this once before and lost 9 lbs in 11 days following the 'clean diet' liver/colon-friendly 1 week prelude, then the one day juice fast, then the 3 day 'reintroduction to food' part. I wasn't at all hungry with the juice mix (cranberry juice, citrus, water and spices) in between water and have felt great all day. Even went grocery shopping without hunger pangs! But I want to do a longer, possibly quite a bit longer juice fast, and started Googling information which is how I found this site. Wow, what a lot of great information! So I think I'll keep this juice mix as the 'base' for the fruit juices, and add veggie juices in the afternoon. I have a lot of questions, but my main concern right now is can I continue to take the thyroid and adrenal glandular supplements I've been prescribed by my ND? Gittleman says best not to take all but livercleansing supplements during the one day fast, but I don't want to crash because my thyroid isn't getting the support it needs over days, maybe weeks without it. Will this be a problem? I'm also taking this liquid liver flush product, 1 tbsp a day, and 1.5 tbls of ground flax seeds morning and at bedtime for fibre. When I ran out of thyroid glandular for a week a while ago I totally nosedived energy-wise and took a week to recover once I resumed. I don't want to go there again! Am moving in August and need my energy to remain strong. I was just diagnosed with marginal low thyroid and extreme adrenal gland fatigue in March and have responded very well to the glandulars. So is it okay to continue them? What about my usual digestive enzymes and probiotics 3 times a day if it will be beneficial? Hoping this fast will restore liver health, my hormone balance, and help me drop 35 pounds, and make the supplements unnecessary eventually, but what about now? Thanks in advance for any advice you can give me. Psyched to start day two with all the produce I bought today! If anyone wants the cranberry/citrus recipe let me know, it really does quell the hunger pangs and gets the kidneys working... lifes2fast Cambridge, ON PS Is is better to post separate threads for separate questions or ask a bunch on one thread (after searching the archives for info first of course)???


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