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Fasting=water only, "juice fasting" is an oxymoron
YoungLady Views: 2,341
Published: 19 y
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Fasting=water only, "juice fasting" is an oxymoron

Actually, neither "juice fasting" nor the Master-Cleanse are fasting. All of them are detox tools, but fasting means no food or juice calories in, so only water. (and possibly urine, not sure about that possibility)

It has become accepted terminology to talk about "juice fasting", "fruit fasting", etc, but fasting cannot have any other words added to it because fasting simply means drinking only water and refraining from any food consumption. Juice is also food as it does provide nutrition.

Consuming only fresh juice for a period of time certainly has many benefits and is recommended, but it is not fasting.

While many associate "juice fasting", "water fasting", "fruit fasting" and other combinations only with giving the digestive system a rest, fasting is more than that. If you ingest calories, you are keeping in action all the more subtle hormonal/digestive stimulation that operate in addition to the more obvious ones, whereas if you don't consume anything you are allowing a complete rest.

For instance, while juices definitely pass through the digestive system very quickly, they still cause a certain amount of insuline to be produced and released, therefore the pancreas is not resting as completely as it would with only water (vegetable juices lead to less insulin production then fruit juices, but nevertheless they do cause an insulin response).

This is why a water fast, as everyone knows, causes a faster detox--it allows for the greatest reduction of the "work" that goes on when nutrition is ingested.

Hope this wasn't too confusing. Just wanted to clarify this point. All these detox tools are wonderful, but there is a great deal of confusion going on.


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