I did a 30 day soft cleanse to prepare. I try to drink a green drink in the morning and in the evening. And then nurse diluted fruit juice during the day. For me it is easier to make it through the day if I enjoy what I am drinking. So far my favorite is just plain cantaloupe. I juice the rind and all.
I shopped 3 days ago, but need to go again. I try to chop and prepare all my friuts and veggies and then store then in the freezer bags. They keep for alot longer that way. I also drink a cup of hot water with lemon right before bed.
I have to leave on a business trip in the morning, but I am packing my juicer in the car. I hope the hotel doen't mind pulp in the trash in my room. :)Actually I think that it will be huge step in the right direction if I can stick with this through the weekend while being on the road. It will be hard, but I am determined.