hi, i am 21 and have had this skin condition for about 5 or 6 years now, it first appeared around my genital area when i had really bad eczema around there and was spending a lot of time at the public pool, i tried all sorts of things to heal it but nothing seems to have much of an effect, it just spread around more from the eczema, a few of them came up on my right nipple and a few more around my eyes and there are still more than a hundred of them on the underside of my penis and on my scrotum. i try not to let it bother me too much, but sometimes it gets the better of me and makes me feel pretty shitty. especially when it seems like its never going to go away. it does seem to have improved in tiny fragments, and the severity of it seems to fluctuate with how im feeling, but its still got a long way to go. reading about all of the health bringing ideas on this website has given me hope of finally removing it from my life. anyway thats how it is and i was just wondering if anyone has had any luck curing this condition and could recommend anything or just tell me a good story with a happy ending that will lift my spirits... thankyou