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**Update (I'm arkantos)**
Holistiker Views: 35,145
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**Update (I'm arkantos)**

Hello, I'm arkantos but with a new username.

Just writting to give you all an update.

Some info I really wanted to give you ASAP:

-Yes I eliminated all grains... the most damaging thing is white flour. That was a major step, but it's somewhat worthless if you don't do complete cleansing and heal what needs to be healed.
-Most people DONT understand that they may have Leaky Gut (probably all of the people with Seb Derm, Acne, Psoriasis, etc). Nothing will really be permanent until you heal this major problem. Leaky gut is REAL.
-The key to everything is digestion (give your body things highly in nutrients and easy to digest. Take real, potent enzymes like Digest / Digest Gold from enzymedica (I think this was the key to healing my gut)
-Take SeaGest o SeaCure, predigested marine protein shown in clinical trials to heal the gut in an efficient maner.
-Don't use regular multivitamins... I take the best one, predigested and food based: Living Multi.
-Drink Yogi Tea (DeTox), for about 16 days, have a break and then continue.
-When your colon is clean and your digestion is fully restored, you don't need fiber... fiber ferments... so just get the normal amounts of fiber you get like from fruits and veggies. If you have a problem, take triphala... ask the experts. Clean until you are 100% clean and do maintenance.
- There are many techniques to help yourself: NLP, meditation, EFT, etc. USE THEM, they're tools to reach your goals.
- Focus on a real healing diet, SCD or even better: the paleo diet (with a cleaner approach: no chemicals, no milk, etc).
- You don't need CRAP food, you may easly substitute with healthy snacks... there are so many of them that you can't never get bored.

Now I only eat corn tortillas from time to time...

If you decide to go into a regimen to heal, you must be 100% comitted to it, not 99%. To get the most of the benefits from liver flushing, ALWAYS do a colon cleanse... If you are using Oxypowder DO the full cleanse, and use it 1-2 nights before the next flush.

Am I done flushing? NO... I still need to keep doing it... I started having orange stools a few days ago (possibly a major blockage) and then flushed and they returned to normal! much much darker. Had good bowel movements.



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