HEH! Being male does make a huge difference! And yes, you can have hormones tested individually. The test I took was a saliva test kit and I paid for testing of three hormones. The questionnaire and choices of hormones for testing were available for both genders. Look up "hormone saliva test kit" online to see what's available and through who in the UK. The Yoanna skincare would still be good for you as it's not specific to gender and is all natural and hypoallergenic. It's pretty simple stuff in plain packaging. Whether or not you can find locally is a different story but the products are available online.
Below are some URLS of info on the hormone testing that I found online. My test included estradiol, progesterone and testosterone. Note that sometimes Acne is also an adrenal symptom. My cystic Acne is most likely due to extremely low progesterone - 44 - out of a normal range of 100-600. It explains a lot!