Since you are online, go right to my website. There is a link called "Shop Online." If you follow it you will see Acne products that are incredible. The entire set is not that much, your mom might try it since there is a 45 day money back guarantee. You will see vitamins for teens. Look it over and have your mom email me with questions, or you can yourself. This is my first time using this particular forum or what ever this is, so I'm not even sure that this message will get to you.
Please visit my website. From there you can email me. You can also sign my guest book and be registered to win $30.00 worth of products. The drawing will be held soon, March 12th.
Let me know you've visited. I definitely can help.
You want to get your skin ph correct so it will function at its best. Follow the first link on the second page titled, "The Emphasis"
Thank you.