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just_peachy Views: 1,411
Published: 22 y
This is a reply to # 670,595


If he has gallbladder problems, I'd advise to avoid/eliminate margarine at all costs. Margarine is basically indigestable partially hydrogenated oils and additives - very hard for an already taxed system to handle.

You may want to read all the chapters on an excellent site, The Doctor Within, especially the section about 'hydrogenation' under "The Magic Bean" (link below.)

Try to have him continue to eat very lightly, mostly vegetables and fruits (if he can tolerate them) for a few days, and especially avoid 'fake' fats. Do a Liver Flush as soon as he feels strong enough. (It can be rather draining.)

For discomfort, a small amount (1/2 teaspoon to a teaspoon) of espsom salts in a glass of water can help alleviate gallbladder pain. Would not attempt while vomiting, but drink before he feels naseaus, as soon as discomfort hits.

Also, to allow his stomach acid to be at full strength for digestion, advise him to eat slowly and chew, chew, chew (saliva is an important part of digestion.) Try drinking the tea at least 30 minutes before or after eating. Drink as little pure filtered water at mealtime as possible (just enough to help chewing and swallowing, if needed.)

Between meals, aside from the tea and the apple juice (that help the liver and gallbladder), have him drink as much pure, filtered water as possible - at least 1/2 his body weight (pounds) in ounces of water daily.

Good luck and I hope he feels much better soon!

The Doctor Within



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