I have written before for my husband. He has an inflamed gallbladder (only pain was mild discomfort when right abdomen area pressed). Not doing a flush until he is feeling better and in meantime, taking organic applejuice and eating lots of vegetables. The last 2 days he had a slight uncomfortable feeling in his colon, but he was able to continue with his daily routine. Well, not too long after supper last night he didn't feel good in the bowel area. Then he started vomitting everything up. Afterwards was tired and slept awhile before drinking a little warm water, later apple juice and then a little catnip/hyssop tea. He placed a hot water bottle on his abdomen and then felt better and went to sleep. I need some answers here. I am thinking it was either: eating too much margarine on his whole wheat bread lately, eating too much at supper last night (he only had some vegetable soup with blackeyed peas in them but he topped it off later with blueberries & a few cherries on a small amount of homemade yogurt), or his drinking his herb tea (marshmallow root, dandelion root and milk thistle) with his meals last three days instead of between meals. His bowels have been working good and he was taking the psyllium husks last 3 days. Am receiving pressure from others for him to get the GB out. We have a limited income due to his not working right now. Thank you for your response.