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Re: How to deal with slander and manipulation?
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Published: 19 y
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Re: How to deal with slander and manipulation?

Confrontation implies anger. When people behave badly, including being sarcastic, form of put down, they do it unconsciously, because this is an automatic learned experience cultivated through years of conditioning. They are in effect unconscious. As you become emotionally aware you realize that everything is right. Your discovery of self wouldn t have happened unless everything is as it is. So at one level you can be thankful.

The path to emotional honesty inolves being and releasing anger, many sleepless nights were spent scribing my hates and then destroying the paper. If I felt angry then the process would continue focusing on another relationship or family member. (A bit like peeling an onion, I wouuld see each relationship in a differing dynamic). I didn t realize it but I do now that I was a highly trained family destroyer, led on by my father s derision, I successfully tormented my younger brother, driving him senseless. I spent the vast majority of early life inventing ways of getting him into trouble.

Despite huge misgivings as to how I was treated as a child and as a person by my mother and father I have cleared the issues without confrontation breaking the "family curse".

In order to forgive and move on you have to release the anger, otherwise you will be drawn back into a drama cycle which preoccupies most of us. Maybe this is a course you are drawn to.

Personally although I ve lost a chunk of my life through the repetition of emotional patterns I m thankful to everything that has led to my discovery without any blame or remorse. If people are unconsious then they are not responsible for their thoughts or actions. This doesn t excuse bad behaviour, but the awakening process leads to a greater understanding and awareness, and ultimately forgiveness.

Whatever course you take is right, because ultimately everything is right.



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