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Update on my dog's paws
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Update on my dog's paws

We had to go without coconut oil for about four weeks because it was out of stock at the health food store where we usually buy it. I believe it's because of this that he developed two furunc.blisters during this time.

But I started giving my dog coconut oil again last week so hopefully by next week the blisters will be gone.

What's amazing is that despite the weather being rainy and cold leaving the grounds muddy and wet one day and the weather being snowy and really cold the next day, apart from these two blisters and again losing hair around them the rest of his toes look absolutely hairy and lovely : ))

Every autumn and winter has up until this september been really painful for my dog because of clusters of furunc. blisters between all his toes and the hair all gone leaving the area between the toes and underneath without protection to the rain and cold. Antibiotics and rubber boots used to be a tiresome but necessary must.

On Antibiotics the furunc. blisters would only hold up for a week after finishing a 4-6 week dosage. Different vets even recommended me to give my dog Antibiotics every day.

So I guess you can understand the relief both I and without doubt my dog is feeling now that we found coconut oil which actually works without being harmful to him.

At the pet forum here on Curezone (where I'll be posting this as well) there seems to be a lot of people whose pets have different forms of infections and similar problems as my dog has. Perhaps coconut oil could help them as well? And perhaps someone with better knowledge of coconut oil here can explain how and why it works on these types of problems.



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