Cleaning up the Acne from the inside out is the recommended way. Putting coconut oil on the skin is helpful too though! It may make it a little worse at first as it is having a cleansing effect. Part of your problem too could really be your makeup. If it is not all natural then it contains lots of petroleum products and mineral oils, which actually clog up the skin. You can do a quick test to illistrate this, put a cracker in mineral oil and watch it harden after a couple of minutes! Whereas a cracker in water will soften & fall apart. Even if it is more expensive spend the money for some very natural makeup--if you cannot pronounce the ingredients then don't buy it! :) Watch carefully, even some of the health food store's makeup is not all that great for you. Arbonne is a prime example of this, it doesn't have the petroleum and mineral oil in their products but still has lots of other chemicals and achohols that are not good for you.