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Re: Most people are more comfortable with old problems than with the new solutions.

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guploo Views: 13,146
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 662,485

Re: Most people are more comfortable with old problems than with the new solutions.

Your values are really messed up.

Expensive is not always good !!!!

You seem to trust things for whatever reasons, doesnt make them good for everyone.

You didn't even bother to read about Nutiva and went on non stop about TT.

We are having a common discussion here and you seem to take offense of general ideas and become defensive.

As far as heating goes, you need to educate yourself about the effects of heat on food, NOT the heat caused by nature, but the man made heat. Nature doesnt put coconut's over a stove and light it, withing few seconds temperature doesn't rise to 100s and above.

When men first walked this earth, there was no fire, you think whoever created men, forgot to give him something of utmost necessity? NO! Nature has everything in balance and in harmony.

Heat kills all the enzymes, the very life force of the thing we eat to provide force to our life. I REPEAT: anything cooked over 105 degrees starts losing it's enzymes, over 120 degrees enzymes are totally destroyed.

You can educate yourself about enzymes at the following link..

Sounds like mass produced? You havent even tried the product yet, you the one asking about verifications, how can you conclude that something must be mass produced without ever reading about it or tasting the product?

THIS John W. Roulac have enough decency to reply to any email personally. How many times did you get the CEO of TT to respond to your query?

Did you even bother to check out Nutiva's website about coconut info? I will post all the links at the end of this message. I can post the text also, but I dont think it's necessary

As for TT had been around for whatever time, doesnt mean there will be no other company that will offer a better product or price with integrity. Today it is Nutiva, tomorow it will be some other company.
You like to sit in a safe corner, in your comfort zone, doesn't mean people outside of it are wrong, it's your thinking that is wrong !!!!

Articles & Studies
Press and scientific information relating to coconut

Myths & Nutrition
Learn about coconut's amazing nutritional qualities and why it was demonized

Healthy Cooking Oil
The Healthiest All-Purpose Cooking Oil
Discover the amazing versatility of coconut oil

Taste the Difference
Get the facts on why some coconut oil taste's delicious and others bland

Recommended Books
Read great books on coconut

If you need more info, don't hesitate to write to them, and avoid jumping to conclusions.

Best of everything



Your values are really mixed up.

Expensive is not always good !!!!

You seem to trust things for whatever reasons, doesnt make them good for everyone.

You didn't even bother to read about Nutiva and went on non stop about TT.

We are having a common discussion here and you seem to take offense of general ideas and become defensive.

As far as heating goes, you need to educate yourself about the effects of heat on food, NOT the heat caused by nature, but the man made heat. Nature doesnt put coconut's over a stove and light it, withing few seconds temperature doesn't rise to 100s and above.

When men first walked this earth, there was no fire, you think whoever created men, forgot to give him something of utmost necessity? NO! Nature has everything in balance and in harmony.

Heat kills all the enzymes, the life force of the very thing we eat to provide force to our life. I REPEAT: anything cooked over 105 degrees starts losing it's enzymes, over 120 degrees enzymes are totally destroyed.

You can educate yourself about enzymes at the following link..

As for TT had been around for whatever time, doesnt mean there will be no other company that will offer a better product or price with integrity. Today it is Nutiva, tomorow it will be some other company.
You like to sit in a safe corner, in your comfort zone, doesn't mean people outside of it are wrong, it's your thinking that is wrong !!!!

Best of everything



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