i just open the container and with a clean big spoon/ out wha ti need into a small bowl (lik eo custart cup size about) and put top back ont eh glallon/ and cover the bowl/
and leave it on teh prep table where we use it how we want
when we want..it is best if youcan get up to 3 tablespoons a day in yo u...
i probaly only get about 1 talbe spoon in me.. cause i do so manytoerh thign salso...and like a variety of flavors 8)
it is one of th ebest facial scrubs i ahve found/
to add a bi t of sea slat to a bit of coco oil til a go dpaste/ wet face with wamr wateer and gently scrub/ it will exfoliate and moisturize at sam e time jstu lovely... not drastic on skin at all (sea slat! not talb esalt 8)
i do dab a bit onmy lips to as a moistrizer (a bare dab is all you need/ it realy covers them fast !)