pure virgin coconut oil is exp ,but well worh t it. if you livein warm weahter it will be liek a liquid oil / ti will solidify when it get s cold.
we use it here often like a butter spread... in fact my son puts his on yams and swwear it is wonderful..
i don't eat bread ahrdly at all , unles itis pumperniel or rye..an di liek my toast dry ..bu ti do spred coc o oil on a granola bar and it is super.. great in fruit drinks.. over ricce.. etc.. get a banana and roll it int e coco oil and rollit again in carob powder and putin fridge and take out afteeeer about 15 minutes...
slice it and enjoy.. stuf fliek tat..
i often jsut use it on mylips too as a chapstick kind that i can eat 8 keep tehm somoothyou can probably find soem goo drecipes and more advice alos at www.tropicaltraditions.com
it ameks a great facial scrub too/ puta samll bi tin a bowl, add enuff
Sea Salt to amke a paste,a dnligthly scrub facce/rins eoff an dhave baby smooth skin..
you coudl add it to an apple pie youmight amke etc. i want to try that.. i be tit woudl be greatianan apple pear pie.