Re: Hi Everybody!
What makes you think you have a parasite(s) and what cleanse are you doing?
I had been eating pretty clean NT style for about a year and was feeling much improved (no more allergies or fatigue or PMS or pimples or moodiness) but hit a plateau where I just didn't feel GREAT and couldn't lose those stubborn 20
pounds I've always hung onto. Also my hair is going gray and I'm only 25 (been graying since 19) so I decided to go ahead with a
parasite cleanse. I used Body Ecology's Eco-Clear and let me tell you---lots of worms! And those are just what I could see; who knows what else was lurking!
Still didn't feel any better after the
parasites were purged so I went ahead with the Master Cleanse. Had some major detox but had to cut it short for a weekend getaway. Then did a liver flush. I have to say I feel like I've taken a step backwards because I feel a little worse; irritable, more tired and now I've been getting constipated. On the plus side, I lost 6
pounds during my cleanse and am continuing to lose several weeks later for a total of 12 now. I'm thinking I'll do a
Colon Cleanse next. Figure I stirred up a bunch of toxins and maybe some
parasites still lurk in the gunk.
I have to say the cod liver oil has been my number one ally in my quest for health; it seems to make me happy.
I wish you luck on your endeavors and keep us posted!