Re: Soaking Grains
The raw milk will separate into curds and whey more quickly at room temperature (about 3 days), but if "room temperature" is above 80, I would do it in the refrigerator (that can take a couple of weeks, though).
When draining whey from whole milk yogurt, I take the container out of the fridge, dump it into a cheese cloth lined colander over a bowl, and leave it at room temperature. Most of the whey will come out within a couple of hours.
I think you can only get raw milk yogurt if you make it yourself. Even in Connecticut, where raw milk sales are legal, I think you have to pasteurize the milk before making yogurt.
I don't think it was me talking about making raw butter! My only experience is with a girl scout troop shaking up cream in a bottle. But that was cr@appy, commercial cream!
I know there are lots of questions for a while! It took me a while to get a good grasp of the difference between fermentation and rotting. And to learn that moldy food is not all bad. (Think about it, do you want to eat food that even the lowly mold does not want to eat?)