Re: Gallstone Cleanse concerns
Why, I sure can!
The olive oil is used to send your liver and gallbladder into spasms, forcing them to push stuff out, especially gallstones. The whole point of it is to make them push the stones out. Olive oil does it nicely.
Now, I wouldn't try the Coke flush first. It might work; I haven't tried it. It seems like, given your situation, however, that it would, in fact, wind up being quite painful for you.
The Dr. Clark flush, or any other flush which uses
Epsom Salt or magnesium citrate *prior* to the consumption of the olive oil should keep you from experiencing much, if any, pain from pushing out gallstones, since either substance will help loosen things up inside considerably. I've never experienced any pain from gall stones as a result of a liver flush, but in only one of the four flushes I've done did I push out large stones.
On the other hand, I pushed out some large stones last year without the aid of a
Liver Flush and it was the most intense pain I've felt.
The thing about apple juice is that it contains malic acid, which is supposed to help soften gall stones. I've seen it recommended that it be combined with phosphoric acid (or orthophosphoric acid). Phosphoric acid is known to leech calcium -- from your bones, from gall stones, whatever. Coke (Pepsi, RC, etc.) contains phosphoric acid, BTW.
So, you could try some of the other flushes which use apple juice and/or orthophosphoric acid (see your pharmacist) and/or colas to help with that.
Gold Coin Grass tincture is supposed to be excellent for helping crush gall stones, too. You could try using that for a week or two before doing a flush. I'm going to be using this prior to my next four flushes to see what comes out.
I've never heard of the Stone Dissolve Tea that you've mentioned from the web site you pointed out, but it sounds interesting. Then again, the web site you pointed out looks pretty interesting. I'd like to point out that that web site also strongly recommends that you do a colon flush before attempting a liver flush. Please consider it (and a
parasite flush) before attempting your liver flush. That would also give you some time to prepare, using your tea, or the tincture, or apple juice and Coke, or whatever, so that your stone is reduced or eliminated and easier to push out.
Good luck!