I am a 19 year old male who has suffered from mild Acne for a while. When I was around 16, my doctor put me on Tetracyline. I beleive I went through two bottles of that. Then I went on Doxycyline. After the doxycyline, he put me on Minocin. For the past year and a half or 2 years, I have been on Zithromax tri pack off and on. I would take three 500mg pills for three days every 2 weeks. I was not consistent with it though. Around last year at the beginning of summer, I got an infection in my crotch area. It was smelly and sweaty. That cleared up after 2 or 3 days I have had no problem with that ever since. This past June, I got a white coating on the inner parts of my lips. My tongue also turned white. The coating stuck around for about 2 days and went away. But the tongue stayed white. The coating around my inner lips would come about every 2 weeks until I started on garlic oil. That has kept it under control for the most part. I still have a slight coating on my inner upper lip. But my white tongue will not go away. I just wanted your opinion on all of this and some ideas on how to clear it up. Thanks