23 y
Re: Hives and Liver Cleansing
It is candidiasis or it is allergy or both.
If it is candida, it can be elimanatd with grapefruit seed extract, probiotics & raw garlic (eventually other
parasite killing herbs).
You can also try digestive enzymes.
You can also try large dose of Coenzyme Q10.
It is most likely caused by candida overgrowth.
Flushing can afect intestinal flora and may cause candidiasis.
Take grapefruit seed extract (tincture drops) and probiotics ... 2-3 different ones for 2 - 3 weeks.
Space grapefruit seed extract and probiotics with several hours, to allow probiotics to survive.
Take also raw garlic. As much as you can take. Take it with juices (blender).
If it is allergy to something you are taking today (less likely) it can be avoided by the elimination diet.
Try probiotics, garlic and grapefruit seed extract first!