Should I use foot pads?
Dr. Vinograd,
I was told on another site that I should not use the foot pads because of the toxic metals being released in my body and causing severe symptoms. I have done
7 liver cleanses, 2 enemas, no colonics, and a 3 week
parasite cleanse and had all mercury fillings replaced, a
root canal tooth pulled and cavitation cleaned. I am on a gluten free diet for celiac. I have candida, mitral valve prolapse, constant headaches, severe food and chemical sensitivities.
The symptom that causes me the most problem is migraine associated vertigo, with constant dizziness and imbalance. I feel as though I am rocking on a boat constantly and my head feels inflamed and swollen all the time.
Will the foot pads make me worse? The things I have done so far haven't given me the help I am looking for so I am ready to add something else.