Re: Little bit worried
I have to agree with the Belle -- try the Clark recipe (with only 1/2 cup oil) instead.
As to extremely pale in color and a lack of bowel movements, that is a bit odd. I don't want to panic you or anything, but no, that isn't normal.
(As an aside, I tried the "cream and berries" flush [forget what it's called]) and had blond stool, including chunks of blond colored strawberries, as a result. But that soon passed. It lasted less than a day. I was not impressed with that flush, although I loved the cream and berries part. *grin*)
Since we don't know exactly what you did for your flush, or how you did it, I don't know if you used, say,
Epsom Salt as part of your flush. This is pretty important -- at least, it is to me. The fasting for a few hours is, too, and taking
Epsom Salt the day after (to help flush out what the liver and gallbladder have been pushing out) is needed, too.
My advice (I am not a doctor -- yadda, yadda) is to do another flush using the Clark method instead, at your earliest convenience. At least, this is what I would do in your situation. (Have you done any colon cleansing? That might be helpful...)
In general, two weeks between cleanses is easier on your system. Until you feel comfortable with cleanses, I would ordinarily advise against doing them "weekly" or more often. (Then again, yours is an unusual case, and my suspicion is that your cleanse wasn't sufficiently thorough, and thus there may be some blockage somewhere that didn't get flushed properly. But, again, I am not a doctor, and this is a guess based on very limited information.)
Good luck!