I don't know if those thoughts and beliefs are totally true either! For instance what great finacial gains (and who gains them)are to be had by having patients taking a baby aspirin to reduce the risk of heart attacks? Then there are the often repeated doctor recommendations to eat right, lose weight, exercise, stop smoking and drinking, ect...all accepted and documented to promote better health and no one stands to make a profit from this...except the patient who does not have to go to the doctor as often and reaps the benefit of a healthier life style.
I think everyone needs to be careful about how wide a brush they use when categorizing who stands to make money and for what...
I also posted in one of the forums here that a person found a piece of grapefruit pulp in the center of a alleged gallbladder stone....also some of the stones that are claimed to ahve been passed far exceed the diameter of the ducts leading from the gallbladder making me skeptical of where these stones actually come from.