Re: Foot Pad Progress
my colors now tend to be a dark mossy yellow green..
yes it has reduced in volume/ even when i hold them tight against skin.. i often have large areas of completely white/ but still rock hard.
if i use them after taking a warm shower/ and foot scraping i get more gunk like that too.
um i don't know if it has to do with diet also etc.. 90 % of my diet i follow pretty rigidly.. with not many exceptions..
veggies/ fruits/ no bad oils/ no fyed/ no soy / no dairy/ legumes mainly fo rprotein and mayb eocn e a week about 2
oz poultry
no fish (high dioxins)
and i drink lots of high alkalyline water (filtered then made into prill and ionised )
i t is so easy to do it it is ridiculous/ bu t fac tis prillbeads help make water about 10 % alkayline for ever for about 11-20 $ one tiem purchase.
(you can research them thru internet/ btw easily.)
i do lot a fo littel thing s to help further me in detoxign also/ and the pads are one area i regularly use as a routine.
i think using them also helps keep down die off effect from other detox things i do 8) since they all work hand in hand /
as does proper diet/ sunshine exercise/ and breathing fresh air etc..
everything helsp promote overall health in gentle ways .
my experience 8)
i have found also on nights i use the pads i sleep better 8)
i can't remmeber last/ whe i had a bad dream anymore and i used to have them all the time..
now my kids some times wake me up (since i sleep in livign room/
and say what are you smiling at? lol when i am SLEEPING !
they think i am laying /eyes closed and smiling lol .
well anyhow
happy spring!
Ami Joi Benton