Re: Dr. Vinogard, do you stilluse Lexan ?+braces q/metal
Hi Wrenn:
I would avoid metal braces as much as possible, due to the Nickel in the metal. The Nickel is used to give dental metals more bounce or flexibility, but it is a nasty metal to ingest and one that is difficult to get rid of. I am also not very thrilled with some of the cements that are used to secure the brackets.
Lexan is a resin and is less toxic, in my opinion.
If metal braces have to be used I would do frequent
Epsom Salt baths, in addition to the pads.
Unfortunately, dental materials are researched mostly for their physical properties, such as durability, strength and resistance, but not for their biocompatibility. Hopefully that will change as many more of us start demanding less insulting materials.
It is always great hearing from you Wrenn.
Dr Vinograd