Re: Is There Such A Thing As Too Much Detoxifying??
have you considerd to e magnectic baths aaslo?
and often i ftakes awhiel to fully detox an dliek anything.. you have die off with drawls effects as allthsoe toxins are relased in you r ssytem you nee dot keep up go dluid intake adn eliminatiosn to make use youare flushin gotu the stirre dup toxins..etc
the pad are a gently way to pull toxins otu and go vrey wwlel ahdn in hadn withte other detoxes.
i los tmy doubl evision firs ttiem i used them..
sorry my tyepignis unusally bad this am it is 10 degrees in erhe *laugh*
i ahve been overall detoxign for 4 and a half motneh now, and at first wne t thru a few nasty spels itchign all over etc.. soem skin rahses drov eme nuts..
soem days veyr tired.. bu t bit by bit my enegeyr inc reased and now ia pas t all tha tan dfeelign in great energy adn much better thinkging and certainly stronger.
i jstu wen toout to mail my letter sin 10 degree weather walkign to curb in snow with jst a logn john shir tan dskir tan dhose slipeeer and a hat and gloves and i actually felt invigorated by teh fresh crisp air *laugh *
nuts or waht?
altho i did pent alst 20 hour sin -6 weat erh huddle dund era blanket 8)
hang in tehr ei will work out..
i ahv eone silve rfilligna and is not way i can affor d to ge it out/ i dont' ahve ns and i ahve emothion al problem s with goign in public much less lettign soemon actually otuch me and do surgery on me !!
i avoid any hydrogen peroxide in my mouth and i am feelign great...
so ye sif youcan ffor d it go t fo rit it si defietley needed..
but i ahv ento had mie out and i feel liek super man !!
so jsut keep detosxing avoind dairy and red meat s and fish too (suepr high dioxin lvlv )
reserach food s the are good fo ryou and will aid youin cretign a mor e alkayign body it pays off..tehr eis lgith athe end of the tunnel.. it ahs ataken me 4 and a hald months to get wehre i am and i am so glad i stuck with my paln to give everythign a 6 monh minimum shot tehn review..
all i can say is HURRAY curezoen !