Re: hi Dr.Vinogard (what tooth fillings to choose)
Hey Dr. Vinograd.
Oh yeah, I just love all the stuff I have learned here at Curezone!
I cant talk about it outside the house, ..haha..,
but what pleases me most is that all my kids and
husband are listening and even eating
some of my "witch-products".
-I guess they dont want me to be ahead of them
when it comes to being healthy, lol.
...As long as I dont die, it cant hurt them.....
I am sorry to ask you a question which I might find the answer to by reading a lot of posts here or at some of
the tooth forums.
I have replaced many of my
Amalgam fillings with porcelain,
I have many
root canals filled with stuff I dont know what is,
and I do still have 3 big
Amalgam fillings left.
( I cant afford to do anything with them at this time)
Do you think it is safe for me to use your foot pads?
I am not ill in any way, just trying to make it up to my body a little bit,
after years with stuffing it with "poison".
My son at the age of 20 has no fillings yet, but just ordered a visit to the dentist
because he might need to have a filling now.
Should I advice him to have a porcelain or plastic filling done
or is there something else you would recommend?
Thank you in advance!