I need to get new eating utensils anyhow.. and was wonderign if there is a less toxic produc t or in general
forks sppons etc.. tha tyo umight recommend? i tried online searchign nonmetal eatign untencisl and came up with toensof weird stuff.. hm i am considerign jstu goign to chopsticks sicen i knwo how to use them 8)
anyhow i was wonderign if yo uyourself use a certain kin d or have heard of/ wher ei can searhc onlien for a product to get an idea wah ti might be considering?
also i was wonderign if yo uwoudl repost pleas ethe web wher eyo uge tyour oil of oregano from?
i remember 9seem to ) tha tyou said wher eyou get yours is about 75 % carvocal init?
thansk so much fo rany input / evne if not a nonmetal alternative for eatign utensisls.. wha tmight be LESS toxic.. yo uknwo palstic vs aluminum vs stainless steels etc..
appreciat e your tiem
Ami B.