no hard feelign s here
i know it is hard to read me... i am tryign hard to work on this area. and i understand the frustration level (caue i can barely read myslef too soemtime s!!!)
believe me it is far better than it was 10 years ago/ or even 5
so i continue to work on it...
it is a distressing area for me/ when i used to pride myslef on goo dwriting/ and have wriiten poems since i was 8 and songs and small tories etc 8( i don;t hink ihave even attempted a poem in 10 year snow lol it hust seems useless...
maybe soem day...
i jstu say them out loud nwo t o myself then forge tthem...
it jstu seems to over whelmign to try to regain tha t area of my life..
but tha tis ok... the trees hear it and then it is goen 8)
and tha tis alltha treally amtters right?
work is done and then forgotten and thus it lives forever.