oh my now my 2cents worth
i think , even if they are the same pads, that people are free in our great country to make their own purchsing decsions.
with out ahvign to justify reasons for their prices etc.
i myself am completesly satisfied with body pure rpduct.
i bought full price and several boxes, they came immediately/no shipping hassles/ were easy to read and understand/ and i can also get them tested if i want thru the company.
i tend to remain loyal to a company when i treats me well.
as long as i feel the price is within my budget i hav enp with it/
i have seen soem really good things sicen usign the pads,
happen to me/ and i have never ssaid yet that i boguth the bodypure ones i don't believe/ yet have gotten good support form folks on this forum.
don't yo uguys have anything better to do with your time?
go buy wha tyou want to buy and leave the man in peace/
if he want s to charge 500 $ fpr them so what? you buy them or you go elese where , but targetign soem one on their own forum and tyring to *pick * a fight , ithink tha twent out in jr high? didn't it?