Re: hey squeaky
yes actually when youthink about it...
ther eis a tiem for eveyr thing.
you got o a math cals adn when youahve learned wha tis taught youmov eon but the teacher remains.
un fortuneltel y soem places a make it out like oh they coudln't cu t the mustard you know?
but i think i fyousty there forever anyhwo soemthign is wrogn with youor the teacher?
woudl you stay in the same math calss allyour life?
youare the sssssssstuden t youmust mov eonand fulfil your life.
jstu as the teacher stays to teach others cause tha tis the life HE ahs chosen.
no one is the failure itis the natural cours eof things.
so when yousaid why woul i not go back.. agian, cau se evne if i live din taht state/ physically i woudl never beable to keep tah tkind a pace again/ ad emotionally/mentally i coudl never evne walk in the door/
whre i am now/ there is no system liek mine so my onlyoption is to be myown teahcer . it took me x number of eyars before i knwo i can do it again / in teh snese of time/ jsut say it took me x tiem beofre an dlok wher ei ended .. jstu start at the beginnign agin 8)
and in time i will get there/ maybe not as good as before bu tcertainlyin better health and body toen