Re: thanks Lapis and DR. Vinogard
lol wel l youall are sweet to say allthat. really i am not that way at all . i am almost a complete recluse now from the past, but try to jstu focus on my own personal goals. when ihave a hard time soting things out i remember what the reality in life is ,th egod created things around us and htat helps me get back grounded. (remember our discusion lapis, on the awareness forum?)
when ever i feel overstressed i settle down and listen fo rthe winds and concentrate on the natural sounds around me, and that is a very calming state of mind to slip into/
i do not know that tha tis that youmentioned?
umm i need to say her ei have no health insureance andno finaces
for docotrs bills tha tis why i do so many homeopathic sel fhelps.
so if it is soem thign taht requires a large cost and testign s etc... i knwoit owuld be way out of my league. i still need jstu to get heatin gin my house *laugh * thansk god for theramal wear!!