thanks!! no i can't do the rebound thing/ from the head injuries i now have really bad coordination. took me about 10 years learn rewalk /talk etc.
i just finished the 10 day Master-Cleanse and also the first 14 Clarkia days /
will do a Liver Flush this weekend.
as you know i am no dairy no smoke/ no red meat/no soymilk etc/
about as close to a raw foodist jucier as one could be with out really being one. i eat beand for protein and nuts and and rarely fish/or chicken/ get calcium (now ) from juiced recipes.
i do not deny i need detox/ it is par tof livign on earht.
i was jstu wonderign if targetting those specific spots that i know where seeeriously injuren might help them heal inside a bit better.?
i intend to use the foot pads til they are pale/ then goto onc e a week maintenance,
but do you think if i wrapped them ove rmy toes would help my head inuries?