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Have you tried zapping - here's a story
Anja Views: 3,054
Published: 22 y
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Have you tried zapping - here's a story

A bodyworker I see regularly for craniosacral therapy has had a "pushing up" feeling in her gallbladder area for quite a long time. She just came off a 7 day fast with not much in the way of results. She started zapping with a "Dual Zapper" that they sell at the health food store where her mom works (it's a variation on Hulda's with handholds, but they are not copper - I think they are stainless steel? There was some reason for that.) Anyway, I think she said it was 5 days later that she passed a gelatinous sac of little white things that's she's sure are parasites, and that feeling she had under her right rib cage is gone. I tried the Terminator zapper for awhile but ultimately wasn't crazy about it, although I probably didn't give it a fair go. I tried their Dual Zapper the day before my last liver flush, and this was the biggest one so far (just my 3rd, though). I got really sick for about 15 minutes in the middle of the night after the OO, right before passing a bowlful of bright green stones & sludge. I think you advised me the other day about your similar experience.

Anyway, I'm surprised nobody has mentioned zapping to you. I've done a number of herbal parasite remedies with bowel cleansing over the past few years, and I'm pretty sure I still have bugs. Or am constantly picking them up from my dog, who I'm afraid to treat anymore at her advanced age of 13. I don't know if what Hulda says is true about never being able to get rid of them until you elimate your exposure to... what is it... wood alcohol or solvents? Something like that. The modern world doesn't make this easy.....


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