Ask about Epsom Salts . They may be behind the counter at your drug store. You can also easily order them online. They will open your bile ducts. I have been experiencing lots of gall bladder pain in the past two months and the only thing that immediately removes the pain is Epsom Salts (because it opens the bile ducts). I also recommend Gold Coin Grass as someone earlier mentioned. That stuff is great, has also helped relieve my pain.
Personally, I wouldn't do a Liver Flush without the Epsom Salts . You want those bile ducts to be open when you try to pass stones.
Oh, and the quote earlier about the stones shrinking was slightly incorrect. Those stones were 2.7 cm (not mm)and 2.3 cm after 6 months on GCG. And that's calcified stones, which yours are if it showed up on an ultrasound).