Eczema around mouth?
I'm a 37 year old female battling what I believe to be either peorial dermatits, or ezcema around my mouth. It started a year ago and has spread just a little under my lower lip. I've tried the OTC hydrocortisone creams, which I understand now is a bad idea. I've used the Elidel, and it will clear it up for a day or two and then it's back.
I had ezcema as a child in the normal spots, and then it went away until last year. I get spots on my hand, rib cage, back, and of course my mouth.
I've increased my water intake, decreased my soda intake, and have tried to eat a better diet, which includes more salads.
I've been aware that products containing
SLS can irritate so I've tried to be very careful and not use those products on my face. At night, I remove my make-up with Vaseline, and I use St. I'ves 24 hour moisture on my mouth and then follow up with the vaseline. Anything else itches. I tried chap stick, it itches.. I've tired carmex, it itches.
I do not know what to do at this point. My mouth always feels tight and scaly and I'm always using vaseling on my lips.
Antihistimines take away some of the itching also.
Help Please?