Re: Your hypothesis on the liver flush….
I'm sorry if this post is getting a little out of line, my intent is to share what I have learned and to learn more.
John, your judgement of me is way off target. Read my previous posts (all of them with titles of Mark and MP) and you will again see how wrong you are. I have attempted to help people here with flushing and I have offered support. It seems that when you read my posts you miss the parts where I mention how the flush could be helpful for people. My oppinions here are backed by my own reasearch and I will provide references here to anyone that wants them. Just ask and I'll get them for you.
Why you believe I know Gods will is still beyond me. There are some simple things you must fail to believe about God. He creates things that are perfect. Not that man cannot distroy them, but they are none the less perfect and could never be duplicated by man. I proclaim nothing as my own but give the glory to God and acknowledge Him. You obviously have not made the connection with Him or you would see Him work in your life like he does in mine. I understand things that I never did before and put together concepts like I could never have done before.
God helps those who help themselves, but God can't help you if you don't let Him into your life. Give it try and you will understand things that you never have before. The truth(His knowledge) will set you free.
Sorry John, I'm here to help and to offer my ideas and the things I have learned on this subject. I'm sorry that you fail to see that in my posts. I never once discredited the flush as a total waste of time as you propose I did. Go back and read them. I'm on your side John. It just seems you cannot handle others oppinions and knoweldge if it differs from your own. I'm sorry you get stone attacks, but it is because you have a bio-chemical imbalance. (yes John I'm knowledgable about other things too)
I appoligise for any inconveince to the message board. If anyone wants references and my credientials, please just ask.