Re: ParaZapper - Zapping alone, without any other help
>- "
parasite Cleanse and
parasite Cleansing
Many herbal or natural treatments, known as
parasite cleansing or parasite cleanse, only affect the intestinal parasites, not reaching skin parasites, liver parasites, blood
parasites or
parasites living in other organs."
True, but according to these customers, using the zapper with copper footpads produced noticible results within days (in most cases but not all).
>- 2. What herbs did they use? Were they fresh? Were the herbs sitting in a bottle on a shelf for a long time before they received them? Did they have the right combination? When the
parasites start to mutate after they took the herbs? What protocol are they using? There are a lot of things to consider.
If you refer back to my website, I state "Many herbal or natural treatments, known as parasite cleansing or parasite cleanse, only affect the intestinal parasites, not reaching skin parasites, liver parasites, blood parasites or parasites living in other organs."
Again, this reflects on the results that users conveyed to me. It does not say all parasite cleanses do not work. It does not say that any specific cleanse does not work.
>- 3. What kind of parasites did those people have? Different parasites respond to different things. How long have they had them? Did the person contribute the current resistant problem -- how? blah, blah....
The parasites ranged from tapeworms, pin worms, and
Ascaris to flukes, worms in the skin, etc. Some users had these for years and some had only recently discovered these problems. Some even reported having filaria type worms in the blood.
>- your above statement supports exactly what Vtool has been saying
I do not argue this point. I myself have used herbals several times with positive results. I did my first
Liver Flush 40 years ago, long before Dr. Clark popularized it.
Epsom Salts , oil, and citrus juice is an old home remedy. My mother did the same when she was young.
My point is, I did not say that parasite cleanses never work and I did not say that they should not be done. What I said is that they do not always work and that the zapper can and does have positive effects.
If it did not work for someone, we did not hesitate to refund the purchase price.
>- I hope you learned something here.
Yes, either I can not read my own website or someone else is reading more into it than I am.
Just one note, if you had Fiery Dragon, would you be willing to wait weeks or months for a herbal to take effect when the zapper can produce effects in days without the herbs? What if you had canine heart worms? Also, you should note that part of the statement on my site is posted toward conventional medicines approach to parasites. Some of these chemicals are very harsh and probably worst than parasites themselves.
Also, I speak of blood parasites. What herbs are quickly effective against plasmodia or filaria? There are herbs that work, but not quickly enough. What about toxoplasma which abounds here in the US more than almost any other country in the world. Since this parasite crosses into the brain where it receives protection from the blood-brain barrier and causes very distressing symptoms such as brain tunneling, it is not smart to take the slow route to eliminating it.
Yes, use the proper herbs but do not pass up the zapping, especially if you do not know the exact parasites that you are dealing with.