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Re: Warning: The FDA intends to shut down all companies selling zappers, Rife, Beck, and related devices.

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

dt3d2001 Views: 2,455
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 654,240

Re: Warning: The FDA intends to shut down all companies selling zappers, Rife, Beck, and related devices.

“though I perceive your post clearly as mockery”

I don’t know why you would, im being serious! I was in mechanical automatons and special effects for many years. I built my own electronics, and pneumatics also. I had ADHD, but it was no real problem. Then in 2001 came the onset of rapid cycling bipolar disorder on top of it, and that made pretty much everything a real big challenge to keep straight in my head. Now for the past 3 years I have built up a sizeable amount of residual brain-fog, to go with my ramped daily frustration, and what small amount of my brain I can still use, is focused on my whole life, meaning this collembola crap. Now, im so brain fried, I have to keep my own address and phone number written on a card in my wallet, just incase I have to fill out paper work! So no, there was no mockery intended, I was being serious!

But within your tech-no-terminology, and linguistic acrobatics, I did find one good piece of information, a “generator” is what you make Colloidal Silver with. I have ordered one and expect it any day, but it was called a Colloidal Silver machine. I honestly thought that a generator was some kind of advanced zapper or something. Im just getting to the “I cant take it any more” stage, and searching for some kind of uncomplicated relief. I have no clue about this stuff. And no offence was intended.


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