Suddenly we have Moragellons and Collembola, oddly enough both pop up out of left field, impervious to all known pesticide or medication control efforts. Unlike every other
parasite these two don’t actually feed on there host at all, there food source is the flaming infections they promote in the body. Both have extensive morphic capabilities that a
parasite would never need to have, and Las-Vagus style neon-iridescent properties! Wow,,, that’s a lot of over-kill for a parasite, don’t you think? But,, those things happen with intense exposure to radiation, like these two genetically engendered parasitic organisms seem to be, totally capable carriers for about any kind of nasty little virus some one would want to tag them with, and encode a repellant also. A person could see this as an failed bio-terrorist attempt! Except for the fact that the CDC is not responding to it, like they would if it were. They are both spreading like wildfire and the CDC is acting like they have been told to do nothing about it! No CDC help, and our own government seems to have mounted a drive to get the only means of control we have left “like zappers” off the market, but why? Come to think of it,,, why would terrorists release two genetically engendered parasitic carrier organisms, totally capable of being tagged with a virus, not have a virus attached to it? You don’t think that our own government, would have flown around dropping these things across the country, using us for giny-pigs, to test the spreading capabilities of there “no-lethal version!” of new stealth “the wars-over, there all dead from deadly desert-bug plague, and we get all that oil” weapons? I guess it would be hard to see how well it works, with the CDC and zappers out here killing there test cridders, don’t you know?